An Insta Story (Or Poem)

Will Jelbert
1 min readMar 29, 2018

(This poem is also available as a parody rap and video here)

What seems to be a nonstop stream,

Fine dining and living the dream.

Correspondence bias, ego plates,

we compare but no one relates.

Your mind on poses for posting,

loses senses, stops noticing.

Letch, Letch, Letch the ego,

Misty, Misty, Misty the dream.

In your bikini, winter street,

Yoga or porn we can’t delete.

Or are you dancer and chancer,

art to inspire like Black Panther?

Letch, Letch, Letch the ego,

Misty, Misty, Misty the dream.

What’s your story, what is your stream?

Vampire facials? Vampire we scream.

Tensing your abs for a gym pic,

If you could, would you post your dick?

Letch, Letch, Letch the ego,

Misty, Misty, Misty the dream.

But here’s why your story matters,

It’s our reference to our chapters.

Will you be Misty and inspire

Or Letch narcissist we admire?

Letch, Letch, Letch the ego,

Misty, Misty, Misty the dream…

Will Jelbert is a happiness consultant and the bestselling author of The Happiness Animal . Watch the book trailer.

